
Thursday, March 6, 2025

Post 699 08Mar2025 Exercise HO DIEP Butterfly -Sacred Seal Story- Pictures



in less than two weeks Spring is coming ... 

Post 699 08Mar2025 

Exercise HO DIEP Butterfly -

Sacred Seal Story-







    POST    2025                                 

  Linda’s Thursday Quotation   





No great discovery was ever made without a bold guess.

Isaac Newton




Extract from

VISION and ACTION  / The Sacred Seal Story

By Charles Phan Hoang

(Amazon Publishing, ISBN   9798338428948)



POST 699 (continued)





POST 699  (continued)

The master continued: “The contents of this document and the writing used in the form of poems, immediately brought to my mind a famous ancient book of Vietnam, written around the middle of the sixteenth century: Sam Trang Trinh. It contains prophecies about Vietnam over a period of five hundred years. This book is very popular in Vietnam and to give you an idea, we can compare it to the book of Nostradamus in the West.”

Holding the old document, her master said: “This document is also a work of prophecies indicating events that will occur in the world outside of Vietnam. It's interesting but what is more important is the seal affixed to it. Clearly, these four characters Thuan Thien Bao Quoc are those of the national Sacred Seal. I have evoked this seal during an international training session, but without going into detail. Today, I will tell you the story of this seal.

"We have to go back to the reign of king Ly Thanh-Tong, who was king of Vietnam from 1128 CE to 1138 CE. Ly Thanh-Tong had been chosen to be king as the previous king did not have an heir. Early in his reign, there were conspiracies and challenges that questioned his legitimacy, therefore, he chose his reigning name as Thien-Thuan, which means he was reigning by the will of Heaven. Being a devout Buddhist, he was aware of the impermanence of things, and he thought that a dynasty would sooner or later fall into decline so he may fail his mission to protect the nation. Under his auspices, a national Society for the protection of the nation was created with the name Thuan-Thien, which was the reverse of the king’s reigning name. Its meaning is ‘Acting in accordance with the Law of Heaven’. Recruiting of members was made secretly, according to criteria of uprightness and loyalty to the nation, without attachment to the ruling dynasty. At its foundation, the Society had one hundred and eight members representing all classes of the population of the kingdom. The motto of the Society was Thuan Thien Bao Quoc, meaning 'in accordance with Heaven to protect the country'. The Society created a gold Seal called the Sacred Seal. On this Seal, symbol of national legitimacy, were engraved the four characters of the motto Thuan Thien Bao Quoc. As a precaution, for strategic usage, the Society had commissioned a replica of the seal, identical in appearance, but whose imprint was slightly smaller. This second seal did not hold the symbolic power of the original one. One of the Society's missions was to protect the Sacred Seal. Unfortunately, with all the historical upheavals and events, we do not know where the Seal is today. However, according to reliable sources, it is still in Vietnam. I am convinced that documents exist which would allow us to trace it and find it. I’ve got a reproduction of an ancient document dating from the seventeenth century in which it is stated that the seal must be protected.”

(to be continued)






   POST 2025                                 





EL PODER DEL GALLO. El Bruce Lee del mundo animal












Learn English through Story  Jane Eyre | CiaoEL #40"






                       END POST 699    08 MARCH 2025

Thursday, February 27, 2025

POST 698 01March2025 - Exercise HAI THUONG - Sacred Seal Story - Pictures Canada, Paris


we are now in the last month of winter!

POST 698 01March2025 

 Exercise HAI THUONG

 Sacred Seal Story /The Mission

 Pictures Canada, Paris

 Various items 







    POST    2024                                 

  Linda’s Thursday Quotation   




In difficult times carry something beautiful in your heart.

Blaise Pascal



 The Sacred Seal Story


Extract from

VISION and ACTION  / The Sacred Seal Story

By Charles Phan Hoang

(Amazon Publishing, ISBN   9798338428948)


POST 698 (continued)




POST 698


At ten o’clock in the morning, Clara went to visit Master Hogan. After the usual greetings, Clara put her laptop and the old document on a table. Taking a box of Japanese Green tea out of her bag she said: “Master I will prepare a traditional Japanese green tea.” According to tradition, disciples have to prepare the tea for their master even when they are the visitors.

While they were enjoying their tea, Clara and her master talked about the old document that Nick Walker had brought from Vietnam.

Master Hogan: “I have read the entire transcript you made of this document. I'm very impressed. I didn't know you could read the ancient Vietnamese writing Chu-Nom. How many years did you spend learning it?”

Clara was amused by the question: “Master, it was not years, but just a few months.”

Master Hogan, very surprised: "How is that possible? At the time of my grandfather, while this writing was still in use, you had to study for years to learn it."

Clara, with a mischievous smile: “Master, you forget that I read and write Japanese kanji. More than sixty percent of Chu-Nom characters are in common with the kanji. What's more, I have created a modern method to learn quickly. This is not an extraordinary achievement because virtually all Vietnamese students in Japan who know kanji can also learn Vietnamese Chu-Nom very quickly and easily read ancient documents.”

Master Hogan, looking at Clara, very proud to have a disciple with so many talents: “I am still very impressed. Congratulations!”

 (to be continued)


           Paris from Paola Binh Lam




   POST  2025                                 





Greatest Songs of 1950s












Learn English through Story

  The Danger Volcano






 END POST 698              01 MARCH 2025

Thursday, February 20, 2025

POST 697 22Feb.2025 Exercise DAU VIET 5 Accents -The Sacred Seal Story - various pictures



   enjoy your day

POST 697 22Feb.2025  

Exercise DAU VIET 5 Accents 

-The Sacred Seal Story 

Various items and pictures



                   THE SACRED SEAL STORY (continued)



Extract from

VISION and ACTION  / The Sacred Seal Story

By Charles Phan Hoang

(Amazon Publishing, ISBN   9798338428948)



POST 697 (continued)





POST 697 (continued)

And immediately Clara executed a series of movements with grace, precision and energy. The man looked surprised as he recognized that these were the movements he had just performed.

When she finished, he asked: "Who taught you this?”

Clara, looking at him with a little mischievous air: "A master taught me this."

The man, still under the effect of surprise: "What is the name of your master?"

Clara: "I don't know because I don't know him yet."

The man realized that she had just learned the moves from him, simply by watching him. It was the first time he met someone able to learn a form so quickly. Interested, he gave her a scrutinizing eye. This young woman had a high level of practice and was endowed with an observation and an exceptional memory. Although impressed, he did not let it show.

The man asked: "Do you know the name of this series of movements?"

Clara: "No, but I would like to know it. Can you tell me?"

The man looked at her in the eyes and replied: "No, not now. If you really want to know it, come back here tomorrow."

With that, he bowed giving a little nod and left.

The next morning, Clara returned to the beach. The man was already there, doing his training. When he finished, Clara greeted him.

"You made me wait. It's too late now. Come back tomorrow." After uttering these words, the man slipped away very quickly.

Clara was surprised and walked along the beach, thinking. The next day, when the man came to the beach one minute after midnight, Clara was already there, waiting for him. That night, Clara Ikube was accepted as a disciple by Master Steve Hogan, who taught her the form called Bat Nha, the same name as the sutra he declaimed while performing the movements.

In the years that followed that first meeting, as a disciple Clara was allowed to participate in several international martial art trainings directed by her master. During these sessions, taking place in different countries like France, Italy, Portugal, Poland, and Canada, Clara discovered that master Hogan, a university professor of Research Methodology, was very knowledgeable in many fields of studies. After an intensive training session in the Italian Alps, the master had explained the importance of Seals in the world of martial arts and in Vietnam traditional culture. He talked about the ancient national Sacred Seal, of which today no-one knows the location.

He would certainly be able to help her in decoding the mysterious document that Nick P. Walker had given to her.

 (to be continued)






   POST  2025                                 





















15 Biggest Birds In The World








 END POST 697                      22 FEBRUARY 2025